Occasion: Yatra purush Advani's "Bharatsuraksha yatra" was all set to enter the state of Maharashtra after its journey in other states. The yatra was undertaken by him for the cause of national security in the aftermath of terrorist attack in Varanasi.
Location: Nanded in southeastern Maharashtra. Two Bajrangdal activists were accidentally killed and three were injured while making a pipe bomb in a house.
Inference: "Bharatsuraksha[national security] through Bajrangdal crude bombs"?
We don't know. All we know is that Bajrangdal is a constituent of sangh parivar and its founding president Vinay Katiyar is a prominent leader in BJP who played a crucial role in RamJanbhoomi movement. One expected the champion of internal security aka Advani to speak about the incident. Nothing was ever heard from him on sangh parivar's activities in boosting national security.
More on Bajrangdal's Suraksha bombs:
*Bajrang blows up on Advani
*Bajrangdal plotted revenue blasts in Kanpur?
Lucknow, August 27,2008: Investigations into the August 24 blast in Kanpur has revealed that Rajiv Mishra and Bhupinder Singh were planning explosions at some sensitive spots in the city. The disclosure has been made by two Bajrang Dal activists who were close to Mishra and Singh. Both Mishra and Singh were killed in the blast in a Kanpur hostel room where they were assembling bombs.
*Bajrang Dal involved in Nanded blasts: Patil
*Bajrangdal bomb ticking?
The recent attacks on churches in Orissa, Karnataka and elsewhere in the country are not isolated acts of the Bajrang Dal, the Sangh Parivar's vitriolic fringe that has helped create several leaders for the BJP and other Parivar fronts. In fact, the Dal has been stealthily mastering the deadlier art of mayhem, including bomb-making, in recent years, investigators and intelligence sources say.
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